November Member Spotlight

Jennifer M. Moore

What 3 pieces of advice would you give women in this industry?

Be kind. Becoming a better lawyer begins with a personal commitment to respecting others and assuming the best in those around you.

Learn to be flexible. Life (professional and personal) can change quickly, so it is important to adapt to it with an open mind.

Don’t sell yourself short. Your time, talent, and tenacity make you a valuable assert to any team with which you work. 

What is your greatest professional accomplishment?

In August 2020, I had my first opportunity to handle an expungement matter for one of our clients on my own. It was a great experience as a junior associate to have the confidence of my partner and the client to handle the matter, while obtaining a successful result for the client. 

What has been your greatest professional challenge?

The greatest challenge has been developing my own pace in the practice of law. I began practicing after going straight from college to law school, and was the youngest member of my practice group with a lot to learn. Much like the beginning of law school, there was a steep learning curve. But working with a supportive team helped tremendously with the transition. 

Jennifer M. MooreAssociate, Maynard Cooper & Gale, PCSWIFS Member

Jennifer M. Moore

Associate, Maynard Cooper & Gale, PC

SWIFS Member